“What might happen if students were … at the heart of the assessment process, using goals and results to fuel their own learning? What if they were more assessment capable?” (Absolum et al., 2009)


Years ago, the Island Numeracy Network wrote the Diagnostic Mathematics Assessment (DMA) which was used all over the province. Over the years, the assessment was updated to meet changing learning outcomes in BC Ministry Curriculum. The purpose of the assessment was to provide teachers in our province with an effective assessment of student content-knowledge. Important to us all, the DMA was written by teachers for teachers.

Our new assessment, the Island Numeracy Assessment, or INA, was developed to align numeracy assessment practices with current numeracy learning expectations of BC students. Our team met over a span of two years to prepare this assessment. The project grew from rigorous study of BC’s Curricular Competencies.

The design offers comprehensive, ongoing assessment of student thinking and learning. It is our hope that teachers will use the assessment tool to inform instructional decisions and help students become aware of their current level of understanding in mathematics; actively monitoring their own learning.

Background Materials

About the Assessments

Assessment Pages by Grade

INA 3+
End of grade 3, Beginning Grade 4
Fin de la 3é année, début de la 4é année

INA 4+
End of grade 4, Beginning Grade 5
Fin de la 4é année, debut de la 5é année

INA 5+
End of grade 5, Beginning grade 6
Fin de la 5é année, début de la 6é année

INA 6+
End of grade 6, Beginning grade 7
Fin de la 6é année, début de la 7é année

INA 7+
End of grade 7, Beginning Grade 8
Fin de la 7é année, début de la 8é année