Important! Before beginning, make sure you are familiar with the INA Components and Structure

General Protocol

Preparing the materials
  • Choose the component of the assessment that you will be using
  • Print the number of copies you require (optional use of projector for collaborative task)
    • collaborative task sheets (1 per group)
    • student response sheets (select, constructed and/or performance task)
    • student reflection sheets (collaborative and/or student response)
Introducing the assessment to students
  • Set the purpose of the assessment by telling students that the information will be used to plan and guide learning and instruction
  • Facilitate any discussions your learners may need before beginning the assessment.
Administering the assessment Collaborative Task

  • Arrange students into groupings that will facilitate discussion. (3 is optimal for collaborative learning)
  • Teacher introduces the collaborative task to the whole class and initiates discussion
  • Allow students the time they need to collaboratively solve the investigation, record and share out their learning
  • Once all collaborative tasks have been collected, have students individually complete a Collaborative Task Student Reflection Sheet
  • Capture photographs of student work if they used non-permanent surfaces

Collaborative Activity Reflection

Individual Student Response

  • Explain that students will be given the time they need to finish the assessment
  • Provide students with the Individual Student Response section(s) that you are assessing for (selected, constructed and/or rich task)
  • Using their own responses as a reference, have students complete a Post Strand Student Reflection Sheet

Post-strand reflection


Teacher reflection
  • Use the Collaborative Task answer key, the Individual Student Response answer key and the Student Reflection sheets to look for patterns in students’ thinking and understanding of the concepts
  • Record your observations on the Next Steps Planning Sheet for the Number concept you are assessing
  • Observations – whole group strengths, areas requiring development